i2i Workshop 2018

Meeting program, talk recordings, and poster PDFs.

Nearly 300 scientists, engineers, and clinicians attended i2i in 2018. They came from four continents and represented more than 80 primary affiliations with academic centers, industry firms, and tech startups.

Workshop attendees shared insights into paradigm-shifting technologies in imaging software, hardware, image analysis, and image-guided therapy.

Meeting Program

Many sessions were recorded and are available on our YouTube channel. Most posters are available as PDFs. See the program below for details.

Day One
Thursday, October 18

Registration and breakfast

  • Introduction
    Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD (NYU)

Session 1
Plenary Presentation

  • How technology is shaping the future of medicine: the engineering perspective
    Roderic Pettigrew, MD, PhD (EnHealth, Texas A&M)

Session 2
Reimagining MR scanners: compact, light, affordable MRI

Moderated by Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD

  • Compact 3T brain scanner
    Tom Foo, PhD (GE)
  • Innovative and efficient MSK open scanner
    Joe Li, PhD (Jiangsu Magspin Instrument Co., Ltd.)
  • Low-cost “purpose-built” MRI systems for brain imaging
    Clarissa Cooley, PhD (Harvard, MGH Martinos Center)
  • Proffered Talk: MR-based measurement of hydration state and muscle edema with multi-component T2 relaxometry via portable, single-sided sensors
    Ashvin Bashyam (MIT)

Coffee break

Session 3
Beyond MRI: integrated multi-sensor imaging

Moderated by Fernando Boada, PhD

  • Hybrid MRI-ultrasound acquisitions
    Bruno Madore, PhD (Harvard, Brigham and Women’s Hospital)
  • MR-based motion correction in PET
    Thomas Vahle, PhD (Siemens Healthineers)
  • Active markers for real-time motion correction
    Melvyn Ooi, PhD (Philips Healthcare)
  • Proffered talk: MR-based respiratory and cardiac motion-corrected PET/MR
    Philip Robson, PhD (Mt. Sinai)


Session 4
Seeing the invisible: imaging tissue microstructure

Moderated by Dmitri Novikov, PhD

  • Keynote: Tissue microstructure and CNS function: a biology perspective
    Forrest Collman, PhD (Allen Institute)
  • Diffusion MRI to assess brain microstructure
    Els Fieremans, PhD (NYU)
  • Structural and functional characterization of neural tissue
    Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott, PhD (University College London)
  • What can we learn about human brain cellular structure from quantitative gradient echo MRI?
    Dmitriy Yablonskiy, PhD (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Proffered talk: Ultra-high field SWI to quantify venous structures in the hippocampus: first application to focal temporal lobe epilepsy
    Rebecca Feldman, PhD (Mt. Sinai)

Session 5
Poster session

Moderated by Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD

Power-pitch poster session, followed by poster viewing with drinks and refreshments.

Ⓟ marks power pitches.
Ⓝ marks non-competing posters.

  1. A radiolucent and flexible high impedance coil array to increase the imaging performance of a 1.5T MR-linac
    Zijlema S et al.
  2. Digitally manufactured, highly conformal receive arrays
    Gopalan K et al.
  3. ★ First Prize
    Beyond B0 shimming: new applications of local B0 field control using multi-coil arrays
    Stockmann J et al.
  4. Design of a high permittivity helmet for improving performance of close-fitting, dense receive arrays for head imaging at different field strengths: potential and insights from simulations
    Collins C et al.
  5. Evaluation of a 16 channel mono-dipole array for human head imaging at 10.5T
    Woo MK et al.
  6. Accelerated multi-shot EPI through synergistic machine learning and joint reconstruction
    Bilgic B et al.
  7. Non-learning-based deep parallel MRI (NLDpMRI) reconstruction
    Pour Yazdanpanah A et al.
  8. Breast density classification with deep convolutional neural networks
    Geras K et al.
  9. Task-based assessment of a deep learning-based breast lesion segmentation for radiomic analysis
    Ding J et al.
  10. Image reconstruction database (ImRiD) for machine learning
    He P et al.
  11. Comparing learned variational networks and compressed sensing for T1ρ mapping of knee cartilage – preliminary results
    Zibetti M et al.
  12. Rapid prototyping of radial ultra-short echo time (UTE) sequences using pulseq and GPI
    He P et al.
  13. MR research on the cloud – a Flywheel/Columbia University case study
    Akgun C et al.
  14. ‘imr _framework’ for rapid design and deployment of non-Cartesian sequences
    Keerthi Sravan R et al.
  15. MRSMouse – a matlab toolkit for automated MR spectrum processing of in vivo mouse MEGA-PRESS study at 9.4T
    Guo J et al.
  16. Performance evaluation for automated lesion segmentation tool: LesionQuant
    Luo W et al.
  17. Age-related changes in thickness, R1 and R2* values of the cortex at 7T
    Okada T et al.
  18. Amygdala nuclei and hippocampal subfield volumetric sensitivity to major-depressive-disorder symptom severity
    Brown S et al.
  19. 7T Structural, vascular, and diffusion imaging of trigeminal neuralgia: preliminary results in patients
    Alper J et al.
  20. JSASSI: A B1-insensitive technique for J-resolved 2D magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 7T
    Verma G et al.
  21. Pseudo-transmission image synthesis for patient-specific attenuation correction in PET/MRI neuroimaging using a convolutional neural network
    Spuhler K et al.
  22. Investigation of sequential versus direct cardiorespiratory motion correction for coronary artery PET imaging
    Soultanidis G et al.
  23. Evaluating the impact of a superimposed atlas-based bone compartment in simultaneous PET-MR
    Soultanidis G et al.
  24. Changes in HCC tumor stiffness post yttrium 90 radioembolization assessed with MR elastography: early results
    Kennedy P et al.
  25. Magnetic resonance elastography vs. point shear wave ultrasound elastography for the assessment of renal transplant fibrosis
    Kennedy P et al.
  26. Measuring brain stiffness in chronically shunted hydrocephalus patients using MR Elastography
    Wagshul M et al.
  27. Multiparametric MRI for assessment of renal transplant fibrosis: preliminary results
    Bane O et al.
  28. 4D flow MRI in renal transplant: preliminary results
    Bane O et al.
  29. T1ρ mapping for assessment of fibrosis in renal allografts
    Hectors S et al.
  30. Radiogenomics of prostate cancer: correlation between multiparametric MRI features and genomics markers of aggressiveness
    Hectors S
  31. MRI-guided surgical planning and 3D procedure simulation for prostate cancer cryotherapy
    Wake N et al.
  32. ★ Second Prize
    Towards simultaneous measurement of head motion and B0 field changes using FID navigators
    Wallace T et al.
  33. Diffusion kurtosis imaging shows gray matter abnormalities in schizophrenia
    McKenna F et al.
  34. T2 based analysis of fat infiltration in muscular dystrophy using quantitative, sub-voxel estimation of fat and water fractions
    Ben-Eliezer N et al.
  35. 3D Free-breathing and motion-insensitive post-contrast brain and spine MRI at 3 telsa in pediatric patients using a golden angle radial acquisition
    Hu HH et al.
  36. MR coagulation and multiparametric quantitative imaging for aneurysm treatment and monitoring of repair
    Cohen O et al.
  37. MRI history, by the numbers
    Hurst G, Ogden K.

Dinner reception

Guest speaker: Brian Malow, acclaimed science comedian.

The Water Club
East River at 30th Street
New York, NY 10016

Day Two
Friday, October 19


Session 6
Plenary Presentation

  • How technology is shaping the future of medicine: the information technology perspective
    Alok Gupta, PhD, MBA (IBM Watson Health)

Session 7
Maximum overdrive: the AI revolution

Moderated by Florian Knoll, PhD

  • Collect, organize, activate: bringing AI innovations to healthcare
    Joëlle Barral, PhD (Verily, formerly Google Life Sciences)
  • The role of AI in clinical imaging (provisional title)
    Yvonne Lui, MD (NYU)
  • Learning clinically useful information from medical images
    Daniel Rueckert, PhD (Imperial College London)
  • Proffered talk: Deep MR image reconstruction across k­-space and image domain
    Michal Sofka, PhD (Hyperfine)

Coffee break

Session 8
Rethinking RF coils

Moderated by Ryan Brown, PhD

  • MRI coil technology: past, present, and future
    Fraser Robb, PhD (GE)
  • High-impedance coils
    Bei Zhang, PhD (NYU)
  • Screen-printed flexible MRI coils
    Ana Arias, PhD (UC Berkeley)
  • RF coils with integrated high-permittivity material
    Christopher Collins, PhD (NYU)
  • Proffered talk: Accelerated signal acquisition using locally modulated magnetic fields (LOOM)
    Klaus Scheffler, PhD (Max Planck)


Session 9
Beyond diagnostics: MR-guided therapy

Moderated by Tobias Block, PhD

  • Treating and stimulating the brain with MR-guided focused ultrasound
    William Grissom, PhD (Vanderbilt)
  • MRI-guided interventional oncology
    Elena Kaye, PhD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
  • MR-guided radiotherapy
    Rob Tijssen, DPhil (UMC Utrecht)
  • Proffered talk: The development of a 1T inline MRI-linac system—initial results
    Stuart Crozier, PhD (University of Queensland)

Session 10

  • Summary of take-home messages
    Fernando Boada, PhD (NYU)
  • Poster awards
    Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD (NYU)
  • Closing remarks
    Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD (NYU)

Cocktail reception

Open bar and hors d’oeuvres.

Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
VIP Room and Fantail
Pier 86, West 46th Street at 12th Avenue
New York, NY 10036

Logo of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

has endorsed this program