i2i Workshop 2023

Meeting program, talk recordings, and poster PDFs.

More than 220 imaging experts came to NYU Langone in October 2023 to contemplate the nature and the future of imaging at the third edition of the i2i Workshop.

The meeting brought together visionary speakers who work at the cutting edge of biomedical imaging research to share their insights and lead a dialogue about where the field is headed.

Meeting Program

Recorded talks are available via our YouTube channel, and the scientific posters can be viewed as PDFs. See the program below for details.

Day One
Wednesday, October 18

  • Registration and Breakfast
  • Welcome to the i2i Workshop
    Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Greetings from NYU Langone Radiology Leadership
    Yvonne Lui, MD (NYU Langone)

Session 1

  • Introduction to the Themes of the 2023 i2i Workshop
    Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD (NYU Langone)

Session 2
How We See

Moderated by Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD

  • The Neuroscience of Vision: Seeing Space through Time
    Michele Rucci, PhD (University of Rochester)
  • What Happens when We Can’t See: Vision Disorders
    Steven Galetta, MD (NYU Langone)
  • Coffee Break

Session 3
Emulating the Senses: from Snapshots to Streaming

Moderated by Tobias Block, PhD

  • Rapid Continuous Imaging
    Li Feng, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Continuous Sensing with Wearables
    Nanshu Lu, PhD (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Understanding Continuous Data
    Hau-Tieng Wu, PhD (New York University)
  • Lunch

Session 4
Emulating the Brain: AI and the Future of Imaging

Moderated by Yvonne Lui, MD

  • Image Reconstruction: Learning to See Clearly
    Merry Mani, PhD (University of Iowa)
  • Image Analysis: Learning to Segment Anything
    Eric Mintun, PhD (Meta AI)
  • Image Interpretation: Learning to Calculate Risk
    Patricia Johnson, PhD (NYU Langone)

Session 5
Poster Session

Moderated by Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD

  • Power Pitches and Poster Viewing
    Open for poster list and poster links.

All posters were power-pitched. Titles of some poster PDFs differ from those in the program. First- and second-prize posters are marked with a star.

  1. ★ First Prize
    An Integrated Radio-Frequency Head Coil Array with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Timekeeping for Clock Synchronization in Wireless MRI
    Dickinson OJ et al.
  2. An Integrated Head Array for B0 Shimming and B1 Reception
    Ianniello C et al.
  3. The Importance of Transmit Arrays for Capturing Central SNR at Ultra-High Fields (UHF)
    Waks M et al.
  4. Localization and Correction of Hardware Misalignments in a Multi-Coil B0 Shimming Array
    Zinghini I et al.
  5. An Array-Compressed Parallel Transmit Network and Coil System for Dynamic RF-Shimmed Multi-Slice Brain Imaging
    Sappo CR et al.
  6. Performance Evaluation of 63-Channel and 31-Channel Head Arrays at 7 T and 10.5 T with uiSNR
    Zhang B et al.
  7. Concept 0.13 T Bedside MRI for Early Brain Imaging in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    Purchase AR et al.
  8. Withdrawn
  9. Automated Respiratory Pattern Analysis for Dynamic MRI of the Lung with Post COVID-19 at 0.55 T
    Luthra P et al.
  10. Self-Supervised Low-Field MRI Denoising via Spatial Noise Adaptive CDLNet
    Janjušević N et al.
  11. Cross-Scanner Evaluation of Diffusion Effects on Quantitative T2 as Function of Ferritin
    Marchetto E et al.
  12. Unbiased Neural Networks for qMRI Parameter Estimation
    Mao A et al.
  13. Tailored Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
    Poojar P et al.
  14. MR Fingerprinting for Rapid T1, T2, and T Mapping of Knee Cartilage at 0.55 T and 3 T
    De Moura HL et al.
  15. Automated, Calibration-Free Quantification of Cortical Bone Microstructure with Ultrashort Echo Time Sequences and Deep Learning
    Jones BC et al.
  16. Six-Minute In Vivo MRI Quantification of Proximal Femur Trabecular Bone Elastic Moduli
    Vu BD et al.
  17. Quentitative Assessment of Bone-Selective MRI Techniques for Craniofacial Imaging
    Kamona N et al.
  18. Learning Contrast Synthesis in MRI with Limited Data Using a Constrained Contrastive Learning Approach
    Umpathy L et al.
  19. Deterministic, Parameter-Free Anomaly Detection in T1-Weighted Brain MRI Using an Unsupervised Diffusion Model
    Chan TJ et al.
  20. DeepGRASP: Deep Learning Enabled 4D GRASP MRI
    Pei H et al.
  21. Longitudinal GRASP MRI Reconstruction
    Chen J et al.
  22. Robustness Evaluation of Longitudinally Integrated MRI
    Beauferris Y et al.
  23. Higher Order Diffusion MRI Acquired in Clinical Setting: White Matter Microstructure Mapping across the Lifespan
    Chen J et al.
  24. Zero-Shell Diffusion MRI: Focus on Microstructure by Decoupling Fiber Orientations
    Coelho S et al.
  25. Axonal Microgeometry from Diffusion MRI Perspective
    Abdollahzadeh A et al.
  26. 3D Electron Microscopy in Injured Rat Brain Validates White Matter Microstructure Metrics from Diffusion MRI
    Coronado-Leija R et al.
  27. Linking Disability and White Matter Integrity in Multiple Sclerosis
    Stepanov V et al.
  28. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Textural Changes Are More Sensitive than Volumetric Changes in the Amygdala of Cocaine Use Disorder Patients
    Nandi S et al.
  29. In-Plane bSSFP Phase-Contrast (PC-SSFP) for All-in-One Diastolic Function Evaluation
    Xiang J et al.
  30. A Case Study Analysis on Monte Carlo-Simulated Uncertainty Propagation in Absolute Quantification for In Vivo 1H-MRS of the Human Brain
    Instrella R and Juchem C.
  31. Assessing Brain Iron Levels in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Ultra-High Resolution QSM at 7 T MRI
    Ma F et al.
  32. MR Thermometry by Quadratic Phase MR Fingerprinting
    Garrow S et al.
  33. Combined TMS/MRI for Image-Guided Brain Circuit Neuromodulation
    Meng Q et al.
  34. RF Frequency-Encoded MRI Using the Bloch Siegert Shift
    Srinivas SA et al.
  35. Reproducibility of Field from an Easily Installed Insert Gradient Coil for Prostate DWI
    Zhang HZ et al.
  36. Whole-Body Human Ultrasound Tomography
    Garrett DC et al.
  37. ★ Second Prize
    Palpating Particles Using the Acoustic Radiation Force
    Zarcone K et al.
  38. High-Contrast-Ratio Switchable MRI Labels Using Tunable Magnetocaloric Materials
    Barbic M et al.
  39. Sparse Deconvolution and Causality Analysis of Inflammatory Markers Collected during Cardiac Surgery
    Raju V et al.
  40. Characterization of Leptin Secretion in Premenopausal Obese Women Treated with Bromocriptine
    Reddy R, Guo Y et al.

i2i Dinner

  • The Water Club
    500 East 30th Street
    New York, NY 10016

Day Two
Thursday, October 19

  • Breakfast
  • Introduction to Day Two of the i2i Workshop
    Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD (NYU Langone)

Session 6
Plenary Presentation: MRI at 50

  • Celebrating Half a Century of MRI
    Leon Axel, MD, PhD (NYU Langone)

Session 7
From Outer Space to Inner Space: Synergies across Scales in Imaging

Moderated by Eric Sigmund, PhD

  • The Big Picture: An Introduction to Radio Astronomy for Medical Imagers
    Urvashi Rau, PhD (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
  • The World We See: Computational Optics
    Yoav Shechtman, PhD (Technion)
  • Under the Microscope: Mesoscopy Using Shaped Wavefronts
    Shy Shoham, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Coffee Break

Session 8
Bigger Is Better

Moderated by Christopher Collins, PhD

  • Higher Field Strength: Pushing the Limits
    Kamil Ugurbil, PhD (University of Minnesota)
  • Stronger Gradients: Extreme Neuroimaging with Connectome 1.0, 2.0, and Beyond
    Susie Huang, MD, PhD (Massachusetts General Hospital)
  • Bigger Datasets: Imaging at Scale
    Jon Tamir, PhD (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Lunch

Session 9
Less Is More

Moderated by Ryan Brown, PhD

  • The Low-Field MRI Revolution
    Andrew Webb, PhD (Leiden University)
  • Electromagnetic Imaging without the Magnet: Microwave Dielectrography
    Leeor Alon, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Imaging without Images: Using AI to Detect Signatures
    Sumit Chopra, PhD (NYU Langone)

Session 10
Meso Is the New Macro

Moderated by Mariana Lazar, PhD

  • Microstructure Imaging with MRI
    Dmitry Novikov, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Functional Ultrasound
    Elisa Konofagou, PhD (Columbia University)
  • NMR at the Scale of Single Cells Using Quantum Diamond Sensors
    Ronald Walsworth, PhD (University of Maryland)

Session 11

  • Summary of Take-Home Messages
    Eric Sigmund, PhD (NYU Langone)
    Poster Awards
    Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD (NYU Langone)
    Closing Remarks
    Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD (NYU Langone)
  • Poster Viewing and Reception