Honor Roll Lab Talk

Artie Shen on Interpreting AI, Learning New Hypotheses, and ‘Fortune Telling’

Yiqiu “Artie” Shen, machine learning researcher who develops artificial intelligence systems for medical imaging, talks about AI’s ability to explain itself, guide discovery, and predict cancer risk.

Research Brief

Can Sodium MRI Tell Which Breast Cancer Patients Need an Alternative to Chemo?

Recent research shows that sodium MRI can predict cancer response to chemotherapy. The National Cancer Institute is funding NYU Grossman School of Medicine to develop and validate the method.

Lab Talk

Krzysztof Geras and Jan Witowski on Data, Collaboration, and ‘Superhuman Performance’

Krzysztof Geras and Jan Witowski, machine learning researchers in medical imaging, talk about understanding one’s data, working across disciplines, and radiologists’ “new colleague.”

Research Brief Visual Story

Who Better Detects Breast Cancer on Ultrasound Exams: AI or Radiologists? Both.

A combination of radiologists and AI reduced overdiagnosis and more accurately identified breast cancer in ultrasound exams.

Research Brief Honor Roll

A Challenge to Find Small Lesions in Torrents of Data Highlights Difficulties for Humans and Machines

NYU researchers won a deep learning challenge to detect lesions in digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) images. We discuss the obstacles that DBT poses to deep learning and look at how our team navigated them.