Visiting Scientists and Scientist Envoys
CAI2R offers visiting scientists the multidisciplinary experience essential for effective development and translation of new technologies.
We also dispatch scientist envoys to train peers at faraway institutions.
Hands-on Experience in Translational Research
The visiting scientists program embeds participants in our unique translational research teams. Visitors join interdisciplinary groups of experts engaged in project- and patient-focused technical development.
Successful translational research teams combine breadth and depth of expertise with rich and frequent communication. This collaboration model leads to faster prototype iteration, shorter development cycles, and greater positive impacts on clinical practice and patient care.
Visiting Scientists
Alessandro Palombit, MSStudent๐ฎ๐น University of Padua, Italyfrom January 2018 to July 2018Comparison and analysis of GRASP reconstruction technique for abdominal DCE-MRIMartijn Cloos, PhD; Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD
Jing LiVisiting research scholar๐จ๐ณ Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, Chinafrom January 2018 to July 2018Analysis of high-resolution MRI data of ischemic brain injuryYulin Ge, MD; Jiangyang Zhang, PhD
Ioannis Georgakis, MSStudent๐ท๐บ Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russiafrom February 2018 to June 2018Optimal design of radiofrequency coils for MRIRiccardo Lattanzi, PhD
Visiting research scholarVisiting research scholar๐ง๐ท Escola Superior de Ciencias da Santa Casa de Misericordia de Vitoria, Brazilfrom January 2018 to December 2018Integration of PET-MRI, FMRI and MR fingerprintingYvonne Lui, MD; Tim Shepherd, MD, PhD
Francesco Grussu, PhD๐ฌ๐ง University College London, UKfrom September 2017 to November 2017Denoising of diffusion MRI for human spinal cordEls Fieremans, PhD; Dmitry Novikov, PhD
Josรฉ Cruz SerrallesStudent๐บ๐ธ Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyJanuary 2016, June 2016, and March 2017 (one week each)Global Maxwell TomographyRiccardo Lattanzi, PhD; Daniel Sodickson, MD, PhD
Bjorn StemkensStudent๐ณ๐ฑ University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), The Netherlandsfrom July 2016 to November 2016Bulk motion detection for robust pediatric imagingThomas Benkert, PhD; Tobias Block, PhD; Hersh Chandarana, MD
Nathalia Missima, MDBody radiologist๐ง๐ท Pontificia Univesidade Catolica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilfrom August 2016 to March 2017MR enterography using XD-GRASPLeon Rybak, MD
Wyger Brink, PhD๐ง๐ช Leiden University Medical Center, Belgiumfrom June 2016 to August 2016Dielectric Shimming: Exploiting dielectric interactions in high-field MRIChristopher Collins, PhD
Simone Valduga, MDMusculoskeletal radiologist๐ง๐ท Pontificia Univesidade Catolica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilfrom May 2016 to February 2017Metal implant imaging using Sparse-SEMACLeon Rybak, MD
Eve Piekarski, MDStudent๐ซ๐ท University Renรฉ Descartes, Paris, Francefrom January 2016 to July 2016Evaluation of XD-GRASP reconstruction technique for free-breathing 2D cardiac cine MRILeon Axel, MD, PhD; Teodora Chitiboi, PhD; Li Feng, PhD
Georg Schramm, PhDStudent๐ง๐ช KU Leuven, BelgiumSeptember 2015Simultaneous reconstruction of PET and MRI dataFlorian Knoll, PhD; Thomas Koesters, PhD
August FrankStudent๐บ๐ธ University of Pennsylvaniafrom June 2015 to August 20153D printing for RF coils and hardwareGraham Wiggins, DPhil
Koji Fujimoto, MD, PhD๐ฏ๐ต Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japanfrom May 2015 to March 2017Comparison and analysis of GRASP reconstruction technique for abdominal DCE-MRIKai Tobias Block, PhD; Hersh Chandarana, PhD, MBA; Li Feng, PhD; Ricardo Otazo, PhD
Lennart Tautz๐ฉ๐ช Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS, Bremen, Germanyfrom March 2015 to May 2015Visualization and analysis of XD-GRASP reconstructed dataLeon Axel, MD, PhD; Li Feng, PhD; Ricardo Otazo, PhD
Science without Borders
Our investigators periodically travel to distant collaboration sites for extended research and educational visits.
During these trips, our researchers act as scientist envoysโthey share the latest imaging advances, train colleagues in implementation of technologies developed at our Center, and educate peers on the model of multidisciplinary translational teamwork that underpins CAI2R.
Scientist envoys have been dispatched to Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland.
Scientist Envoys
Martijn Cloos, PhD๐ฏ๐ต Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, JapanKoji Fujimoto, MD, PhD; Tomohisa Okada, MD, PhDAugust 2017 (six weeks), April 2018 (four days)Development and validation of plug-and-play MR fingerprinting (PnP-MRF) on single-transmit 7-Tesla MRI systems.
Bei Zhang, PhD๐ฉ๐ช Siemens RF Research and Development Core, Erlangen, GermanyRobert Rehner, PhD; Markus Vester, PhDOctober 2017 (one week), March 2018 (one week)Ultra-flexible RF coil arrays
Ricardo Otazo, PhD๐ง๐ท Pontifรญcia Univesidade Catรณlica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilMatteo Baldiserrotto, MD; Alexandre Franco, PhDDecember 2014, March 2015, December 2015, March 2016, and December 2016 (two weeks each)Development and validation of free-breathing, compressed-sensing MRI techniques of lung and liver imaging for improved diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis in pediatric patients; Lectures on compressed-sensing MRI in clinical studies.
Riccardo Lattanzi, PhD๐ฎ๐น Imago7 Foundation, ItalyGianluigi Tiberi, PhD; Michela Tosetti, PhDSeptember 2016 (one week)The use of ultimate intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio (UISNR) as absolute reference for evaluation of a 7T RF coil array; Presentations of latest CAI2R research in rational coil design and assessment, as well as in magnetic resonance fingerprinting (some of the presentations were given at the University of Pisa).
Fernando Boada, PhD๐ง๐ช KU Leuven, BelgiumJohan Nuyts, PhDAugust 2015, April 2016, August 2016, March 2017 (one week each)Training in the use of development features of a PET-MR system, in procedural steps for retrieval of raw data, and in image reconstruction; Research updates on PET-MR image reconstruction.
Florian Knoll, PhD๐ฆ๐น University of Graz, AustriaKristian Bredies, PhD; Martin Holler, PhDFebruary 2015 (one week), December 2015 (one week), April 2016 (two days)Development of new mathematical methods for joint reconstruction of multi-modality imaging data, with special focus on PET-MRI; Educational talks about MR and PET image reconstruction.
Tobias Block, PhD๐จ๐ญ Universitรคtsspital Basel, SwitzerlandOliver Bieri, PhD; Daniel Boll, MD; Jens Bremerich, MD; Tobias Heye, MD; Elmar Merkle, MDOctober 2014 and April 2015 (one month each)Installation of the Yarra Framework; Training in use and configuration of the Yarra Framework; Development of exam protocols for a multi-modality insulinoma study that includes dynamic imaging of the pancreas with the GRASP technique; Development of Yarra online graphical user interface.
Timothy Shepherd, MD, PhD๐ฉ๐ช Siemens headquarters, Erlangen, GermanyHeiko Meyer, PhD; Josef Pfeuffer, PhD; Michael Schaaf; Christina Triantafylou, PhD; Michael Zenge, PhDMarch, 2015 (five days), September 2015Clinical implementation of advanced 3T MRI sequences; Development of clinically viable 7T MRI sequences for neuroradiology studies of multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and dementia.