
Fast N-gram SAR Calculator, C-code Interface for MATLAB

Software for calculating specific absorption rate.

We are sharing software to calculate the amount of radio-frequency power absorbed by tissue, known as specific absorption rate (SAR).

Get the Code

The software available on this page is provided free of charge and comes without any warranty. CAI²R and NYU Grossman School of Medicine do not take any liability for problems or damage of any kind resulting from the use of the files provided. Operation of the software is solely at the user’s own risk. The software developments provided are not medical products and must not be used for making diagnostic decisions.

The software is provided for non-commercial, academic use only. Usage or distribution of the software for commercial purpose is prohibited. All rights belong to the author (Leeor Alon) and NYU Grossman School of Medicine. If you use the software for academic work, please give credit to the author in publications and cite the related publications.

Please spell out your affiliation (e.g. “New York University” rather than “NYU”).

How to Use

To compile the program, go to the directory that the NgramSARCalc.cpp file is located in.

To make the N-gram SAR calculator work in MATLAB:

  1. In MATLAB’s command windown, run
    mex NgramSARCalc.cpp
    The expected output is
    MEX completed successfully
  2. The calculator can now be run with following command line:
    [SAR10g]=NgramSARCalc(SAR,density,[dx dy dz],ngrams);
    • SAR is the three-dimensional distribution of the specific absorption rate in units of W/kg
    • density is the three-dimensional distribution of tissue density in units of kg/m3
    • dx dy dz are the voxel sizes in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, in units of meter
    • ngrams is the number of grams in which SAR is averaged

The averaging technique used in this program conforms to IEEE Standard C95.3-2002(R2008).


Questions about this resource may be directed to Leeor Alon, PhD.