
AGILE: GPU Image Reconstruction Library

An environment for GPU-accelerated linear and non-linear image reconstruction.

We are making available an environment for linear and non-linear image reconstruction using GPU acceleration (AGILE), an open source library for GPU accelerated reconstruction problems in medical imaging.

The resource available for download includes MR reconstruction code and does not include code for fluorescence tomography or general-purpose linear algebra routines. Focusing the package on MRI reconstruction is meant to make installation easier. For the complete version of the library, reach out to us (see contact, below). There is also a MATLAB version available for download.

Reconstruction of undersampled radial data from 48, and 32 radial spokes (256×256 matrix).

Conventional regridding reconstruction is shown on the left; AGILE iterative TGV on the right. Reconstructions from 48 spokes are shown on the top; from 32 spokes on the bottom. The corresponding reconstruction times on an NVIDIA GTX 480 were 8.76s (48 spokes) and 6.36s (32 spokes).

Freiberger M, Knoll F, Bredies K, Scharfetter H, Stollberger R.
The AGILE library for image reconstruction in biomedical sciences using graphics card hardware acceleration.
Comput Sci Eng. 15:34-44 (2013). doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2012.40

Please cite this work if you are using AGILE in your research.

Get the Code

The software available on this page is provided free of charge and comes without any warranty. CAI²R and NYU Grossman School of Medicine do not take any liability for problems or damage of any kind resulting from the use of the files provided. Operation of the software is solely at the user’s own risk. The software developments provided are not medical products and must not be used for making diagnostic decisions.

The software is provided for non-commercial, academic use only. Usage or distribution of the software for commercial purpose is prohibited. All rights belong to the author (Florian Knoll) and NYU Grossman School of Medicine. If you use the software for academic work, please give credit to the author in publications and cite the related publications.

Please spell out your affiliation (e.g. “New York University” rather than “NYU”).

Version History

VersionRelease dateChanges
1.22013-03-14Extracted MR reconstruction part. Changed support to CUDA 5.0 (CUDA helper functions instead of SDK functions).
1.112012-01-16Minor changes in documentation and readme.
1.12012-01-16Included CPU reference implementation for TGV.
1.02011-07-28First release of AGILE.


Alphabetically by last name:

  • Kristian Bredies (University of Graz)
  • Gerald Buchgraber (Graz University of Technology, now at Datenkraft IT-Consulting)
  • Manuel Freiberger (Graz University of Technology, now at Anton Paar)
  • Andreas Huber (Graz University of Technology)
  • Florian Knoll (NYU Grossman School of Medicine)


With any questions, comments or contributions, contact Florian Knoll, PhD.